How to get high conversion rate on E-Commerce websites 2022 | UX Design Tips

How is Conversion Rate Calculated?

Number of conversions / Total Visitors x 100

If your online store is getting 5,000 visitors and 50 conversions for a set period, that means your store’s conversion rate is 1%.

Average eCommerce conversion rates are around 2.5-3%. Even if you are doing everything right, you can still expect to win the sale around 2-3% of the time.

A high conversion rate is indicative of successful marketing and web design: It means people want what you're offering, and they're easily able to get it!
I think it's essential for a startup company to offer happiness to a customer. Showcasing trust in the form of reviews or testimonies. Make the customer delightful.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave after viewing a single page.

A high bounce rate is not ideal since they indicate people aren’t finding what they’re looking for in your store, and are leaving immediately after landing on your site.

Exit Rate

Exit ate, often confused with bounce rate, is the percentage of people who leave after viewing the page. Your exit rate lets you know the last page users view before moving on.

A very high exit rate on a specific page can be a red flag — this is one metric you can look to drive down with landing page optimization.

Click-through rate (CTR)

Click-through rate is the number of people who click a link to your website from an ad or email.

Optimization for AdWords or email marketing campaigns often focuses on getting more users to click through to your website and take action — or even engage on social media.

What is social proof in marketing?

Social proof is a marketing context that is evidence that other people have purchased and found value in a product or service offered by a business.

You can implement these things below and test for yourself

1. Win a product sample (Pop-Up)

2. Adding testimonies or reviews

7 Reasons Video Testimonials Are the Highest Converting Tools of 2022

  1. Videos Trigger Emotions
  2. Video Has a Higher Retention Rate Than Text
  3. People Prefer Video
  4. Videos Get Shared
  5. Consumers Trust User Reviews
  6. Social Proof is a Powerful Decision-Making Factor
  7. Video Testimonials Convert

3. Adding discounts or offers

4. Exclusive Offer Pop-up

5. Money back guarantee or free shipping (On startup companies)

In UX research, I found these things help you in creating an email list. Then you can use it in email marketing.

HotJar is an excellent tool for understanding how your users interact with your website from a high level.

As a heat mapping tool, you get the functionality of click, cursor movement, and scroll-depth mapping. Depending on your plan, each heatmap experiment will allow you to see where users click, move or scroll on your site — giving you an inside glimpse into their behavior patterns.