UX tips for creating a awesome mobile app

Step 1: Write few questions in a book.

1) What is my app name and which domain it comes under ?
Example:- Expense Manager (Domain:Finance)

2) Where can i research process of an app ?
3) Which tools i will be using for wireframe and prototype ?
Example: Adobe Xd, Mockplus, Sketch, etc..

4) What sections or topics will come under this app ?
Example:- Registration, Forget Password, Login page, Dashboard, etc..

5) How should i do usability testing or A/B testing ?

6)What problems are there in current apps which are available in market?

Step 2: Without proper research never start.
-I use https://mobbin.design/ to find similar apps.
-Understand the standard flow.

Other websites:
Dribbble, Behance and Pinterest.

-Create a simple userflow/Flowchart in your book.

-Here are the tips for making a flowchart

Step 3: Understand user (People who will use)

-Persona is a better way to understand user. It is a semi fictional character whom you are focusing to design.
Step by step process

-What features they are mainly looking for. Solving there problem is more important.

-Hurry will make you worry, be smart and act.

Step 4: Wireframe and Prototype

-Wireframe and Prototype can be in LO-FI and HI-FI.
-I found Mockplus has more features in built icons and animations.

Step 5: Visual Design

-  Again we need research here also, you can find cool colors and backgrounds in below link:

How to act or think UX in real time work CLICK HERE


1. Strategy/Define

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want 

2. Research (Contextual Enquiry, User interviews, Surveys, Analytics)

UX Research: Practical Techniques for Designing Better Products

3. Analysis (Persona, Storyboard, Scenarios, Synthesis)

4. Design

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