Trending Dark theme in UX Design 2019 and 2020 - UX tips - User Experience

Dark theme vs White theme

Some important points from other articles

There is a scientific reason behind it: Exposure to bright lights in the darkness is not good for the eyes. Instantly recognizable, dark theme is an alternative to what we’ve usually seen when we access our favorite websites or apps: the dark-on-light color scheme, which was originally designed to simulate the appearance of ink on paper.

On another positive spin for Dark Mode, Augustin believes the color white that it rebukes does have a tendency to distract people from the task at hand and cause the mind to wander, which plays into Apple’s marketing for its Dark Mode for Mac OS.

This new style inverts traditional color schemes
There’s no conclusive evidence that it produces less eye strain (though you may feel like it reduces eye fatigue)
It does save battery life on specific phones
It is sharp and dramatic from an aesthetic standpoint

When it’s OK to use dark UIs:
When a branding color scheme warrants it

When the design is sparse and minimalist with only a few content types

When it is appropriate for the context and use, such as nighttime entertainment apps

To reduce eye strain, such as analytics pages that are used for long periods of time

To elicit an emotion—for example, a feeling of intrigue and mystery

To create a striking, dramatic look

To create a sense of luxury and prestige

To support visual hierarchy

When Dark UIs Don’t Work Well
As indicated earlier in the article, dark-themed UIs are a bad choice for text-heavy and data-heavy content, or a when using a variety of content types (text, images, video, data tables, dropdowns, fields, etc.).

Dark theme 

A dark theme is a low-light UI that displays mostly dark surfaces. More...

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