Convert Photo to Sketch SVG file Service 2022

Hi, welcome to my blog, now you can get your photo to SVG file with this service.

Service Charge: 7$ USD per photo

Payment Method: Paypal

Delivery Time: 24 hours after the confirmation email

When should I Pay: After the confirmation email


1. Email me with your photo

2. Get a confirmation email from me

3. Pay the fee

4. Get your SVG in 24 hours


Scalable Vector Graphics is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.  SVG allows developers to create graphical documents in a variety of media types, such as print, the Web, handheld devices and mobile phones (smartphones), among others...

The Scalable Vector Graphics standard (SVG) was developed by The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is a W3C Recommendation on 17 November 1999 and has been widely implemented since then on various platforms by many companies and organizations all over the world....

Adobe® Illustrator® (AI) is one of the best illustration software available today.


Vector Graphics are images that can be scaled infinitely without losing quality. They have been used for centuries in print media but only recently have they become popular online. Vector graphics are typically created using Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw.

Vector graphics work best on high-resolution monitors and websites because the image is never rasterized to a bitmap, which results in an infinitely scalable image that always looks crisp and clean no matter what size it's viewed at, even if you zoom in or out, click around in the margins, resize your browser window, or scroll through pages of content all while viewing the same image as before (this is where some designers get confused about what vector graphics actually mean).

It’s not just important for designers to understand how to use them though; it’s important that people know what the term means so they can make informed decisions when hiring graphic artists or purchasing services from design agencies.